March 11

Designing technologies to support learning and social connection for older adults

Joanna presents two new technologies that are being developed in her lab. HelpCall enables older adults to get technology assistance over a remote video call such as Zoom. LegacySphere facilitates intergenerational communication in embodied virtual reality.

Joanna McGrenere, Professor and Co-Head Department of Computer Science
University of British Columbia Vancouver

eDAPT lab: Learn More


March 7

Seniors Health Assessment

The YMCA hosted a FREE seniors health assessment to help you start an exercise routine to increase your physical activity and maintain a healthy long-term lifestyle. Students from the School of Health and Exercise Sciences at UBC Okanagan helped with the assessments!!

“We want to show older adults where to start when it comes to exercise while also providing a supportive community that will help them achieve their goals. Providing a space to be both social and active helps participants stick with a routine,” says YMCA health promotions manager, Adriane Long.

Each assessment is approximately one hour and includes testing of cardiovascular endurance, balance, flexibility, blood pressure, strength, agility, and more. Please wear comfortable footwear and clothing.


March 7

Thriving Together: Nurturing Seniors’ Mental Health

A presentation aimed to shed light on the importance of nurturing mental health in seniors, and the role of family members, caregivers, and communities. The workshop will covered common mental health challenges faced by seniors as well as strategies for promoting mental well-being, including social engagement, cognitive exercises, and access to mental health resources.

Nour Youssef,
Master of Social Work student, Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC Okanagan


March 6

Current issues for British Columbia seniors – with Dan Levitt, Seniors Advocate

Dan discussed the current issues faced by seniors in British Columbia.

Dan Levitt, Seniors Advocate
Office of the Seniors Advocate, Province of British Columbia



May the imagined force be with you: staying strong and steady through imagined practice

Motor imagery is the imagined practice (or mental rehearsal) of a movement. In this presentation, we discuss how we can use motor imagery to help us perform smooth and steady movements as we age, and after stroke.

Sarah Kraeutner, PhD
Assistant Professor and Michael Smith Health Research BC Scholar
Department of Psychology, Irving K Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of British Columbia Okanagan

Visit the NIMBL lab


March 6

Chair yoga with Paula

A Chair Yoga workshop to experience and enjoy the benefits of yoga. Gain confidence with your body through mobility and strength movements, while also relaxing and having fun.

Paula Morrison, Certified Yoga Teacher


March 5 – Chartwell 

MyHealthPortal – Electronic health records and you

MyHealthPortal provides patients with 24 hour access to their health information via their phone, tablet or computer through a secure portal from the Interior Health website. Features include the ability to view Interior Health lab results, diagnostic imaging reports (such as X-ray, CT and ultrasound), certain upcoming appointments, recent hospital visit history, and the opportunity to update address and phone number information.


The social experience of chronic pain

Over 8 million Canadians live with chronic pain. Dr. Holtzman reviews the latest research demonstrating a connection between social relationships and the experience of pain, as well as implications for the effective treatment of pain.

Susan Holtzman, PhD, RPsych
Associate Professor, Psychology
Lead Investigator of the Connection, Health and Technology (CHaT) Lab
Irving K Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
University of British Columbia Okanagan


New developments in Nav-CARE: the Compassionate, Dementia Inclusive Communities toolkit

The Compassionate, Dementia Inclusive Communities toolkit provides practical advice for organizations aspiring to improve support for persons living with dementia and their care partners using a compassionate community approach. The purpose of this presentation is to describe the theoretical and practical development of this toolkit, specifically the weaving together of three community development lenses: compassionate communities, dementia inclusion, and volunteer navigation. We also share early developments of the implementation of this toolkit in 6 unique communities in BC, Alberta, Ontario, and the Yukon.

Kelly Ashford, PhD
Project Manager for EU Navigate Project

Kelli Sullivan, MA
Research Facilitator – Palliative and End-of-Life research, UBC Okanagan

Learn more here: Nav-CARE